Privacy Policy

Under no circumstances Informatica 2G SRLs be liable for damages of any kind caused directly or indirectly from the site, incapacity or inability to access from your reliance upon or use of the information contained therein.
Informatica 2G Srls will provide updated information on the site, but does not guarantee their completeness or accuracy.
Informatica 2G Srls reserves the right to modify the content of the website and legal notes at any time and without notice.

Access to linked external sites

Informatica 2G Srls has no responsibility with regard to sites that can be accessed through the links placed within the site, provided as a simple service to network users.
The fact that Informatica 2G Srls provides these links does not imply the approval of the sites themselves on the contents of which Informatica 2G Srls disclaims all responsibility.
Informatica 2G Srls is not responsible for the information obtained by the user through access to the linked sites. Therefore, the completeness and precision of the information is to be held responsible for the subjects of the sites to which access is subject to the conditions provided by them.
Informatica 2G Srls does not provide any software assurance that may be present on your site or on external sites and can not guarantee its quality, security, and compatibility with your systems.


All content, text, graphics, files, tables, images and information contained within this site are protected under copyright, patents and intellectual property laws . Each product and company mentioned on this site is trademarks of their respective owners or owners and may be protected by patents and / or copyrights granted or registered by the relevant authorities.
They can then be downloaded or used only for personal and non-commercial use. Therefore, nothing, even if not expressly stated, may be copied, modified or resold for profit or for any purpose.

Privacy protection

Informatica 2G Srls warrants that the processing of data, which should be received by electronic mail or electronic forms, conforms to the provisions of the privacy code as specified in the information note.

Anything to arrive at our email addresses (requests, suggestions, ideas, information, materials, etc.) will not be considered as information or data of a confidential nature, should not violate anyone's rights, and must contain valid information that does not harm others' rights and Truth, in any case it will not be possible to attribute to Informatica 2G Srls any responsibility for the content of the messages themselves.
The site does not use users' cookie tracking systems.

Privacy Notice

Informatica 2G Srls performs some personal data processing activities by e-mail or electronic forms (the Contacts section).

These activities are necessary to meet requests, suggestions and all commercial, fiscal, administrative and information purposes related to our business.
For this purpose, pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (Personal Data Processing Code), we provide the following information about the treatment we intend to perform.

Treatment Mode

The processing will be carried out by collecting, compiling and comparing the data and using computer or telematic tools for which security measures are used to ensure their confidentiality and to prevent their unauthorized access by third parties or Of unauthorized persons.
The activities will be carried out through automated and computerized procedures, exclusively at our data processing systems or other contractual relationship parties (ISPs).
The owner of the personal data processing is Informatica 2G Srls

Data communication
Within this processing, personal data may only be used for institutional and management purposes of the services rendered.

Rights of the party concerned
With regard to the above mentioned activity, it is possible to claim the rights provided by article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, including the deletion, updating, rectification or integration of the data Writing to:

Informatica 2G Srls

Via S. Francesco d'Assisi, 68

87064 Corigliano Calabro (CS)

Telefono:   0983.859005 (Ufficio)


Siamo aperti dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 8:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 16:00 to 19:00

Via S. Francesco d'Assisi, 87064 Corigliano Calabro (CS) 

tel: 0983 850026 
